Have you ever dealt with the payday loan industry? Many people do not like to deal with this industry because they feel as though there is something wrong with how it works. People have begun to change how they deal with payday loans. States are also starting to do something different as well. These states really want to find new ways to make sure that the payday loan industry is giving people a fair shot and that it is not corrupt. Ohio is a state that is trying to do this. Let's take a look at what Ohio is doing. This might end up affecting your state at some point, so make sure that you are paying attention.

In May the General Assembly passed a law that will drastically cut the annual interest rate that is permitted on short term payday loans. The law cuts the rate down to 28% from a rate that could go as high as 391%. Like any fight this has gotten expensive and the Ohio payday lenders have shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to launch a statewide campaign to stop this law. Both sides have really been pushing to get the result that they want. This is a process that is going to have a resolution passed very soon.

This is not something that will pass without a few deadlines having to be met. The first date to remember is August 14th. This is when payday lenders will go before the Ohio Ballot Board. They want to do this to make sure that they can get wording in this bill that will make sure the result they get is the one that the lenders want. The result they need is 241, 365 signatures from Ohio voters. If these signatures are not received by August 31st then the law will be passed on the very next day. On November 4th the issue of payday loan will be raised on a national level.

Well, obviously the payday loan lenders are fighting long and hard to make sure that this does not go through. You would assume that anti-payday loan organizations would be fighting hard to pass this. It turns out that the anti groups are not as concerned. They feel as though this is not the defining time of the issue and they are working to make sure that this bill can be worded in the best way possible. They do not want any bad confusion to take place with the voters. This is why they are fighting for wording, but are not as concerned about a potential NO vote.

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Planning a much needed vacation can be exciting and can give you something to look forward to in the future. Depending on the vacation, it can be very important to ensure that you have a little extra cash on hand to cover any unexpected costs. Having extra money on hand can help your vacation go longer and smoother. For many, a great way to get extra money for a vacation is by using a payday loan to get the money now and then pay it back after the vacation. If a vacation is what you need and are ready to get away, then use a payday loan to help you get the extra money you need to finance your trip.

When you are taking a vacation one always is worried how much they are going to need and what they plan to spend. Depending on where your destination is, this may vary. Most of your money will go to eating out while you are on vacation and this can add up quickly, making your daily expenses more and more. Using a payday loan for extra expenses can help you cover costs and what you don't spend you can just bring back and use towards paying back your loan or other bills. How much you borrow can be up to you, most payday loan company's offer lending amounts from $100 to $1500, depending on your income. No matter how much you decide to borrow, you can rest assure that a payday loan can help you have a more relaxing, stress free vacation.

Once you have planned a vacation and have received a payday loan to help cover your expenses, now is the time to put your vacation money to use. Depending on what type of traveler you are and where your destination is, putting your money to use the appropriate way is important.

Here are some of the common vacation expenses:

Plane TicketAccommodationsDinningSouvenirsAdmission Costs- Shows/Theme Parks/Parks/Museums/Exhibits

Being able to have the money you need for these expenses can be very relaxing and make your vacation a very enjoyable one.

The great thing about a payday loan is that there are no limitations to where you can spend your money and how you spend it. The best thing is that you receive the requested funds and from there you are able to put them to use anyway that you like. Having this option allows you to enjoy your trip and put your borrowed money to use on things that you want without any limitations. Using your payday loan wisely is important, but it is also important to use it how you see fit that way you can enjoy your vacation.

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Why Payday Loans Get a Bad Rap

Posted by John Kumar | 7:56 AM

Payday loans are an extraordinarily popular form of borrowing, but they don’t have the best reputation. Why is this? For the most part, payday loans get a bad rap because of the unscrupulous tactics of a handful of lenders that give the rest of the industry a bad name. In addition, some buyers dive into payday loans without fully understanding what they’re getting into, which leaves some borrowers with a bad taste in their mouths. So are payday loans really all that bad? In this post, we’ll answer that question and try to provide some insight into why payday loans have such a negative stigma.

Notorious lenders. Sadly, the unethical practices of just a few lenders can get generalized to an entire industry, which is in part what has happened with payday loans. Before the government regulation that we have today, some payday lenders charged usurious interest rates and were not upfront about their terms. They took advantage of their borrowers, and, in doing so, earned the entire industry a degree of notoriety for being less than upstanding.Outrageous interest rates. The average payday borrower will pay about $15 for every $100 borrowed. This translates into a 400% APR, which means payday loans are, without question, costly cash. However, if they are used infrequently and with discretion, payday loans can be a viable solution to short-term cash flow problems.Uninformed borrowers. The federal Truth in Lending Act mandates that lenders disclose the terms and rates of payday loans in the consumer loan agreement. The APR must be disclosed in this agreement in bold. All of the information that a borrower needs to know is contained in this agreement, but problems arise because few borrowers actually read the document. As a result, interest rates and terms catch the borrower by surprise. To avoid this, read your loan agreement thoroughly and ask your lender any questions you have before you sign.Misuse of the loans. The real danger of payday loans comes when borrowers depend on them chronically. Borrowers who continually roll the loans over for more time eventually bury themselves in finance charges, making it virtually impossible to pay the original loan off. Rather than rolling the loan over when it is due, try to do everything you can to pay it off. Though the additional time may be convenient, it will cost you dearly in finance charges.

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You are likely familiar with payday loans and cash advance loans. The industry has experienced a boom since 2000, with increasing numbers of payday loan retail shops popping up across the United States. These businesses thrive on offering low dollar, short-term loans to consumers who are strapped for cash. However, as an increasing proportion of Americans gain computers and internet access, payday loan businesses have began to operate online, either as extensions of traditional, physical payday loan locations, or as completely internet-based entities. If you have taken out a payday loan the traditional way, in person, or even if you are considering on for the first time, you may not feel comfortable with the safety and legitimacy of online payday lending. However, you can be rest assured that the vast majority of internet payday loan sites are indeed safe and legitimate. Here are some tips and advice you can use to make sure that (a) your payday lending site is a legitimate and trustworthy business and (b) it is safe to give personal information on the payday lending website without the fear of identity theft.

Research several internet payday loan sites before choosing one. Look for lots of advertising, information, and reviews of these sites. This usually indicates a legitimate business.Beware of payday lending sites that ask for some kind of up-front payment. While some may do so legitimately, this should typically be a red-flag that you may have stumbled on a bogus site that is attempting to steal your information.Avoid payday lending sites that guarantee approval. It is fairly easy to get a payday loan, but no one is ever guaranteed without possessing a way to pay the loan back (i.e. bank account, place of employment, etc.)Make sure that you have a secure internet connection. Public computers such as those at libraries or schools are generally NOT secure. If you must use a public computer be sure to close the browser and reboot the computer to ensure your information is not easily retrievable by a stranger. Also, if you use a wireless internet connection from home or elsewhere, make sure it is a secure connection (secure connections require that you know the name and password of the network).Familiarize yourself with the settings and functions of your internet browser. Most will tell you if you are on a secure website with a security icon or some other symbol. Many times the site will tell you that it is secure but always check your browser to make sure.

These tips will help you make sure that you are secure when taking out an online payday loan or when making any kind of internet based transaction where you give out personal information. If you have made the decision to take out an online payday loan, please borrow responsibly, and take care with your personal information.

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